Scott's Tots
Season 6, Episode 12, 0:01-1:21
>>Andy:You wanted to see me?
Michael:Yeah, Have a seat.
Andy:Is it serious? [Michael stares] Wow. Andy's a wittle scared.
Michael:Okay, right there is the problem. There have been reports around the office that you have been talking baby talk.
Andy:Why would people say that?
Michael:I have it on good authority that you said the following. [hands Andy a notecard] Can you read that back to me?
Andy:Andy have a boo-boo tummy.
Andy:Would you rather me say 'Hey guys, my irritable bowel syndrome is flaring up?'
Andy:Crazy diarrhea happening right now?' Cause things can get real adult real fast.
Michael:You are also on record as saying 'wittle-ittle,' 'footy-wutties,' 'nummies,' 'jammies,' 'make boom-boom,' 'widiculous,' and 'wode iwand.'
Andy:Do I sometimes replace Rs with Ws? Yes. Do I sometimes repeat a word to get my point across? Well if I do, Andy's sowwy.
Michael:You can't be a baby in the office. It makes me look like I hire babies.
Andy:Well if I we're complaining, a lot of people think your Elvis voice is annoying.
Michael:Okay, who said that?
Andy:I don't-just people. For the record, I think it's pretty fantastic.
Michael:[Elvis voice] Well, thank you... thank you a lot. And for what it's worth I think your baby voice is tops.
Andy:[baby voice] Tank you Mr. Elwis.
Michael:[as Elvis] You're welcome, baby.