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Christmas Party

Season 2, Episode 10, 0:02-1:25

Meme It!
Dwight:Go. Get the door.
Michael:Here we are.
Dwight:Go. Push!
Michael:Oh god.
Michael:No, no, turn it around.
Dwight:Really shove it.
Michael:You'll break it.
Dwight:Shove it through! Break it!
Michael:You shove it. Shove it back! Here we go. Don't break the branches, Dwight.
Michael:All right.
Dwight:I got a splinter.
Michael:Well, suck it up. We all have problems. Hey, everybody, look what we have! [laughs] Nice, huh?
Dwight:I've got it leveraged. Push. Straight up.
Michael:On three. Ready? Big, one, two, three.
Dwight:One, two, three. [they push the tree up and it breaks through a ceiling tile.]
Michael:Merry Christmas!
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