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Diversity Day


Season 1, Episode 2, 3:42-5:55

Meme It!
Mr. Brown:Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Great.
Michael:Come on people, let's get 'em in. Get in the cards! Get in the cards!
Mr. Brown:Thank you. Thank you very much. OK. Thanks for filling these out and I promise this'll be quick. At Diversity Today, our philosophy is about honesty and positive expectations. We believe that 99% of the problems in the workplace arise simply out of ignorance.
Michael:You know what? This is a color-free-zone here. Stanley, I don't look at you as another race.
Mr. Brown:Uh, see this is what I'm talking about. We don't have to pretend we're color-blind.
Michael:Exactly, were not...
Mr. Brown:That's fighting ignorance with more ignorance.
Michael:With tolerance.
Mr. Brown:No. With more ignorance.
Mr. Brown:Right. Exactly. Uh, instead, we need to celebrate our diversity.
Michael:Let's celebrate.
Mr. Brown:Right. OK.
Michael:Celebrate good times. Come on! Let's celebrate diversity. Right?
Mr. Brown:Yes, exactly. Now here's what we're going to do. I've noticed that...
Michael:You know what? Here's what we're going to do. Why don't we go around and everybody... everybody say a race that you are attracted to sexually. I will go last. Go.
Dwight:I have two. White and Indian.
Mr. Brown:Actually, I'd prefer not to start that way. Michael, I would love to have your permission to run this session. Can I have your permission?
Mr. Brown:Thank you very much. And it would also help me if you were seated.
Mr. Brown:Thank you. OK. Now, at the start of the session, I had you all write down an incident that you found offensive in the workplace. Now, what I'm going to do is choose one and we're going to act it out.
Dwight:A few of the ground rules?
Michael:Hey, hey why don't you run it by me and I'll run it by him.
Dwight:OK, can we steer away from gay people?
Mr. Brown:Um...
Dwight:I'm sorry. It's an orientation. It's not a race. Plus a lot of other races are intolerant of gays, so...paradox.
Mr. Brown:Well, we only have an hour.
Dwight:I figured it would save time.
Michael:OK. Why don't we just defer to Mr...
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