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Pam's Replacement


Season 8, Episode 7, 0:34-2:14

Meme It!
Andy:Ok, so tell me exactly what kind of deal you are getting now and Ill tell you how we can beat it.
Client:Uh well weve been going with
Erin:You have a very important call.
Andy:I'm sorry I'm with a very important client. Itll have to wait.
Erin:Are you sure? It's really, really important.
Andy:There is nothing more important to me right now than this meeting.
Erin:Really? Because your mother is dead.
Client:Oh my God.
Andy:I don't think she's dead.
Erin:She's dead. She was hit by a bus.
Andy:She's not dead. This is exactly the kind of thing my mom pulls.
Erin:This isn't one of those times. It's the police. They said it's the worst theyve ever seen.
Dwight:Andy I'm really sorry about your mother. My deepest condolences.
Client:Oh you must take this call. It's
Andy:Yeah. Um line 1?
Erin:Line 2.
Darryl:[on phone]It's Darryl. Erin told me to pretend to be a cop and say your mom died.
Andy:Ooh, gosh!
Darryl:Look man this is a bad idea.
Andy:Did she have any last words or?
Darryl:Really? That is messed up man.
Andy:Oh make sure that your client gets the best deal possible.
Darryl:You're a bad man Andy Bernard.
Andy:That is so mom.
Darryl:That stuff can come back to get you. It's called karma. You do not want to be messing around. I got an uncle
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