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the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Welcome Party


Season 8, Episode 20, 6:18-7:30

Meme It!
Dwight:[lifting box] Ugh! Ow.
Jim:Nellie, that reminds me. Do you want this chair in the bedroom? 'Cause to be honest, I don't think it's gonna fit through the door.
Dwight:Don't listen to Jim. Have you ever seen him play Tetris? 'Oh, I think I'll just use this line horizontally. Oh, I had no idea what a gift this line is.'
Jim:That was one time-
Dwight:I will get the chair in. Watch the Great Schrutini work his magic.
Nellie Bertram:Oh, no. Really? Magic? No, no, no. Let's not go there. No, nothing is more repellant than magicians. Bunch of grown men waving wands, pulling bunnies out of body crevices. Magicians are repulsive. Next topic.
Jim:[cell phone rings] Excuse me, one second. Hi.
Pam:Hey, what's up?
Jim:Ah, nothing, just hauling some cube with Dwight.
Dwight:[shouting] Haulin' cube!
Jim:That's moving boxes. We just came up with the term to make it sound cooler.
Pam:So we're planning this party for Nellie, and we're gonna make it really bad.
Jim:Sounds like every other party.
Pam:No. We're gonna make it like a prank. Like order bad food, give her this passive-aggressive card.
Jim:Oh! Hire a magician.
Jim:Trust me.
Pam:[laughs] Okay.
Did we Schrute it? Let us know!