Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

The Search


Season 7, Episode 15, 8:13-9:14

Meme It!
Pam:Cute. [enters office area] Very funny, everyone. Who wrote captions under my doodle? I'm not even kidding. They're pretty good.
Oscar:Which on in particular?
Andy:Yeah, which one?
Pam:Well the first one has a surprise factor. 'I'm a suck suck-suckidy Sabre!'
Andy:Boo-yea! [office laughs]
Gabe:No no. No no no.
Pam:But, ah, I suppose the second one is the better written line.
Oscar:You suppose?
Darryl:What's it say?
Oscar:I'm suppose to be wearing red gloves but my color cartridge portal, got jammed again.'
Gabe:Ok. [office laughs] No no no.
Kevin:Red gloves.
Daryl:Keep it real.
Pam:You guys, if I knew you wanted to do a caption contest, I would have drawn something more challenging.
Darryl:And I will take you all down.
Darryl:I've been reading the comics to my daughter since she was three years old. Not once I have used the real captions to Family Circus. That crazy family is hilarious to her for one reason: me.
Andy:Oh it is on like Genghis Khan wearing Sean Jean in Buton.
Pam:Yes. You guys, I have the perfect idea. Ok, it will just take me ten minutes.
Kevin:I can't wait.
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