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Season 6, Episode 6, 3:17-4:02

Meme It!
Andy:What do you think?
Dwight:I think you're right. It definitely looks suspicious. And his southern Italian heritage raises some flags.
Grotti:God forbid you... should have a fire in the warehouse.
Michael:Oh yup. Yeah, definitely. All that paper burning up.
Grotti:Yeah, and a truck, goes off the side of the road, there's injury.
Michael:Mmhm, I hear you. The truck.
Grotti:You will be hearing from me Mr. Scott.
Michael:Okay, well.
Grotti:I can be very very persistent.
Michael:Do your worst. [they shake hands]
Michael:[Grotti knocks over coat stand grabbing his overcoat] Oh, great.
Grotti:Would you look at that people? What an unpredictable world we live in, huh?
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