Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

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Season 5, Episode 6, 3:45-4:34

Meme It!
Andy:Yo, Tommy Tuna, did you get your scores yet?
Andy:I got mine. They were really good.
Pam:[listening in New York] I miss him.
Jim:You must be really proud.
Andy:Yeah, pretty psyched. Whoa! That's my mug.
Jim:Oh, sorry. It was just -- it was right here.
Andy:Right, well, it's mine, so if you could pour it out and get another one.
Jim:OK. Or maybe I could finish the coffee that's in here and you could use [finds a mug] uh, oh -- Snoopy.
Pam:Don't give him Snoopy. That's mine.
Andy:[smiles] It is a great mug. But it's not my mug. That is my mug. So give it back.
Jim:How can you even be sure?
Andy:It has my face on it.
Jim:[holds mug next to Andy's head] Make the face. [Andy smiles] Yeah, I don't see it.
Andy:Dude, that is my face!
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