Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Prince Family Paper


Season 5, Episode 12, 2:53-3:35

Meme It!
Kevin:[most of office huddles around print out of Hillary Swank, judging her hotness] Not at all.
Meredith:She's got mean eyes.
Pam:Have you seen her with her bangs?
Kevin:She looks like a monster.
Jim:Guys, she is a beautiful movie star, so maybe we should just go to work.
Meredith:She is an amazing actress.
Kevin:That is not the question.
Phyllis:She's not hot.
Kevin:Yeah, thank you Phyllis.
Jim:Okay, okay, okay. Why don't we just put this to a vote, and then we'll be done with it.
Angela:I'm not voting.
Jim:[snaps back] No one cares. Who thinks that Hillary Swank is hot, raise your hand. [half of office raises hand] Okay, and who thinks Hillary Swank is not hot, raise your hand. [other half of office raises hand]
Kevin:[counting votes] Five. Five to five.
Jim:Thank you, accounting department.
Kevin:So what do we do now?
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