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Dinner Party

Season 4, Episode 9, 0:03-1:09

Meme It!
Stanley:This is ridiculous.
Phyllis:Do you have any idea what time we'll get out of here?
Michael:Nobody likes to work late, least of all me. [to Jim] Do you have plans tonight?
Jim:Nope I don't, remember when you told us not to make plans 'cause we're working.
Michael:Yes I remember. Mmm, this is B.S. This is B.S. Why are we here? I am going to call corporate. Enough is enough, I'm - God, I'm so mad! [on phone] This is Michael Scott, Scranton, well we don't want to work. No we don't! It's not fair to these people. These people are my friends and I care about them! We're not going to do it! [hangs up] Everybody I just got off the horn with corporate and basically I told them where they could stick their little overtime assignment. Go enjoy your Friday.
Dwight:Thank you Michael.
Michael:All right, happy Friday. [to Jim] Well I think we dodged a bullet there.
Jim:I think you did.
Michael:I think we should celebrate. How about you, Pam, mi casa, a little dinner, dancing, drinks?
Jim:Oh, I-
Michael:You said you didn't have plans. That's what you said.
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