Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Night Out


Season 4, Episode 11, 3:05-4:08

Meme It!
Michael:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please. I know that a lot of you are very angry with Ryan because he is the reason we all have to come in tomorrow, however, I swear to God, If any of you hurts him in any way emotionally or taunts him or makes fun of his height or his half beard or...
Ryan:Ok thanks Michael.
Ryan:I'm here today to do some creative problem solving about Dunder Mifflin Infinity and field your questions.
Dwight:Why am I being forced to come in tomorrow and pretend that a website made sales that I made?
Ryan:This is a temporary measure to increase the legitimacy of the site.
Stanley:I don't like when my clients call me to help them use the website, I'm not seeing commissions on that.
Ryan:I hear you Stanley, that is a great observation. Problems like that will not happen when we launch Dunder Mifflin Infinity 2 point O.
Stanley:When will that be?
Ryan:TBD. Phyllis?
Phyllis:Did the police solve the problem with the...
Ryan:Yes, yes they did, yes they did.
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