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the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Chair Model


Season 4, Episode 10, 1:31-2:18

Meme It!
Michael:[holding up the catalog] Have you ever seen this woman?
Pam:The one in the really great mesh black high-back swivel chair?
Michael:Look at her smile. Those eyes, look at her eyes. She's got - I don't know what it is actually, she dresses like a professional and yet you know there is a side of her that could just curl up on a couch.
Pam:Or in a great chair.
Michael:Oh, yeah, maybe, but remember after my dinner party when I said that I was swearing off women?
Pam:I definitely remember your dinner party.
Michael:I think what I meant was that I was completely swearing off one woman. [whispers] Jan. I think that fate put this catalog in my hands.
Pam:Actually, I put the catalog in your hands 'cause you have to pick out a new chair.
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