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The Secret


Season 2, Episode 13, 2:40-4:01

Meme It!
Dwight:Can I do some of the talking?
Michael:I will do all the talking.
Dwight:Ok, let him know that I'm here.
Michael:What difference does it make whether your here?
Michael:Hi, Oscar its Michael.
Dwight:And Dwight.
Michael:Yechh, yeah, um, heard you were under the weather?
Oscar:Yeah I think I came down with the flu.
Michael:Really? Oh, that is a shame. You know it's cleaning day here today? Could have used some of that famous Hispanic cleaning ethic.
Oscar:Yeah, I feel terrible about it.
Dwight:Ask him his symptoms. I'm on Web M.D.
Michael:What are your symptoms?
Oscar:I have the chills.
Michael:Umm, hmmm.
Oscar:I feel nauseous and my heads killing.
Dwight:Checks out.
Oscar:Michael is there anything you need from me? I'd like to go back to bed.
Michael:I need you to go back to bed. I need you to get better. See you Monday. Unless you're still sick. So have a great long weekend.
Oscar:I'll just be sleep--- [Michael hangs up the phone before Oscar can finish]
Dwight:Ok. First impressions?
Michael:He sounded sick.
Dwight:Which is exactly how you'd wanna sound like if you wanted someone to think you were sick.
Michael:That's exactly what I was thinking.
Dwight:Question? May I investigate?
Michael:Yeah. Drop what you're doing. Make this a priority. Because an office can't function efficiently unless people are at their desks doing their jobs.
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